Complete Data Intake
All data contributions start with completing an intake form via the AD + EL Service Desk. A complete and thorough intake helps our data curation team understand the scope of your submission and also helps future data users understand the context, methods, and attribution requirements for your data.
Step 1: Complete data intake via AD + EL Service Desk
The AD + EL Service Desk is our main platform for corresponding with data contributing teams, from initial intake to data release. The AD + EL Service Desk is where you can find our intake forms.
Select the request type (ex. Add Data to a New Study, Add Data to an Existing Study, Request a DOI for Publication) that matches your contribution.
Complete the required form fields for the request type and submit the form.
If you have any questions, use the “Ask a question” button in the AD + EL Service Desk.
In general, the data intake forms will ask you to provide the information about: team roles, data sharing documentation, data types, data use conditions, study description, methods description, and acknowledgement statement. Read about each item in the sections below.
Once a form is submitted, a Service Desk ticket will be opened on your behalf. This ticket is used to track your contribution and any questions or issues related to the submission. The AD-DCC will follow-up via this Service Desk ticket to walk you through next steps.
Information Requested at Data Intake
General information
Related form questions
Program name
Project name
Grant Number
Originating funding source
Please provide the name for the program and grant number that your submission is affiliated with. A list of AD Knowledge Portal programs can be found here.
Team roles
Related form questions
Grant PI Name
Institution of Lead PI
Data Liaison Name and Email
Data Uploader name and Email
Each data contributing team should assign people in these roles:
Role | Description | Responsibilities |
Grant PI | This person authorizes the activity of the study (also may be called team lead). |
Data liaison* | This person will be the main contact with the AD-DCC |
Data uploader | This person is responsible for assembling the required metadata and uploading the data and metadata to Synapse, and therefore, they must be familiar with R, Python, or the Command Line in order to use the Synapse API clients |
*If appropriate, the data liaison may also be the data uploader.
Data sharing information
Related form questions
What is the name of the institution(s) where the data was generated?
What is the name of the institution(s) where biospecimens were collected?
Once an intake form is submitted, the grant PI will be contacted by our Governance team to confirm or submit data sharing documentation. This may take the form of a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) and/or a data attestation form.
Data upload details
Related form questions
Will the data be indexed?
If Yes to Data Index, please provide a stable URL for the dataset(s)
Data type(s)
Data upload details
Does this contribution contain human data?
Did the human subjects consent to data sharing in a repository? (Y/N)
Specific data use limitations and conditions for this data (select all that apply)
Please provide details about the data being uploaded.
A data index is used when the data is publicly and permanently hosted elsewhere through an already established link. All data contribution steps will be completed except uploading the data to Synapse. We will instead point to the data from the AD or ELITE portal and use our metadata templates to provide data discoverability.
The data contributor is responsible for providing a stable URL.
Select the specific data use limitations and conditions that apply to the data from the following:
General Research Use: Use of the data is limited only by the terms of the Data Use Certification.
Health/Medical/Biomedical: Use of the data is limited to health/medical/biomedical purposes, does not include the study of population origins or ancestry.
Disease-specific [list disease]: Use of the data must be related to the specified disease.
IRB approval required: Requestor must provide documentation of local IRB approval.
Publication required: Requestor agrees to make results of studies using the data available to the larger scientific community.
Collaboration required: Requestor must provide a letter of collaboration with the primary study investigator(s).
Not-for-profit use only: Use of the data is limited to not-for-profit organizations.
Methods: Use of the data includes methods development research (e.g., development of software or algorithms)
Genetic studies only: Use of the data is limited to genetic studies only.
Related form questions
Unique study name and abbreviation
Study description
A key data organizing unit in the portal is the Study. Associated with a Study is:
a description of the cohort or model system the data has or will be generated from
summaries of the methods used to generate the data (think about this as the similar type of information you would write for a well written Materials and Methods section in a paper)
the data itself
associated metadata
an acknowledgment statement that users of the data will be requested to put in manuscripts and presentations
Data generated through a grant may be grouped into one or multiple studies. The AD DCC will work with you to determine if data from your grant should be grouped into one or multiple studies based on the information in the data contribution survey.
A complete study description provides a summary of the cohort or model system your data comes from and includes:
A Descriptive Study Name: This should be a short descriptive sentence.
Example - “The Mount Sinai Brain Bank study”.
A Study Name Abbreviation: This should be an abbreviation of the descriptive study name and will be used to annotate all content belonging to a specific study.
Example - “MSBB”.
A Study Description: Describe the human cohort(s) or model system(s) the data comes from. Add links or references for additional information if available. Include additional details relevant to the specified cohort or model system, as detailed in the examples below.
Methods description
Related form questions
Methods description
For each assay or assessment, provide a summary of:
sample processing
data generation
data processing, including which organs and tissues the samples came from.
For other tests (such as cognitive assessments or imaging), include a description of how the test was done.
Include links to any commercial equipment or tools, or code repositories. Detailed protocols are highly recommended. These can be uploaded as pdf together with the data-files, or as links to protocol repositories such as or Open Lab Notebooks.
Acknowledgement statement
Related form questions
Acknowledgement statement
The acknowledgement statement should include:
The Study Name Abbreviation
The following language (word-for-word): The results published here are in whole or in part based on data obtained from the AD Knowledge Portal (
An additional paragraph acknowledging grants and/or people of your choice