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Contributing Data

In this section, you’ll find a series of pages dedicated to the steps in the data contribution process.

data submission process, complete data intake, become synapse certified, upload data, validate and submit your metadata, release data. The data release is managed entirely by Sage.

All data contributions start with Step 1: Complete Data Intake. Click on the links below for a step-by-step breakdown of each phase in the data contribution process:

  1. Complete Data Intake

  2. Become a Synapse Certified User

  3. Upload Data and Validate Metadata with the DCA

  4. Release Data

Who can contribute data?

  1. Grants funded though these NIA-supported programs

  2. Approved Community Data Contribution Program (CDCP) participants

What is the Community Data Contribution Program?

The Community Data Contribution Program (CDCP) provides a means for sharing data and other resources that are not directly funded through the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP-AD) Target Discovery Program or the AMP-AD Affiliated Consortia supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

If you wish to be considered for the program, please submit an application in advance of your grant submission. If your application is approved, we can provide you with the following:

  • A template for your Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) that meets the requirements of the NIH Data Management Sharing Policy and the terms of the AD Knowledge Portal Data Use Certificate.

  • A detailed quote for your prospective contribution. Depending on the complexity of your project and the data being contributed, the cost of sharing your data through the CDCP will vary.

CDCP Eligibility & Requirements

  • The CDCP is open to data contributors supported by the NIA and other NIH institutes, as well as researchers supported by other federal agencies, non-profit or for-profit organizations. 

  • All CDCP contributions to the AD Knowledge Portal are required to be approved in advance by program staff at the NIA. Prospective contributions are evaluated based on relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, complementarity to existing data, and unmet needs. 

  • Data must be made available for general research use under the terms of the AD Knowledge Portal Data Use Certificate, with no publication embargo or requirement for collaboration. 

  • Data must be provided with associated metadata, study, and methods documentation. 

  • A Data Transfer and/or Data Sharing Agreement will be required before upload.

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