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AD Risk Scores Data and Methods

This page provides information about the data and methods used to generate the Target Risk Scores presented in Agora.

The Target Risk Scores for a specific gene can be viewed on the Summary tab of that gene’s page in Agora. You can navigate to a gene’s page using search, from the Nominated Targets list, or from the Gene Comparison Tool. You can also compare Target Risk Scores across multiple genes using Agora’s Gene Comparison Tool.

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Data and Methods

The following sections summarize the methodology used to calculate the AD Risk Scores:

Target Risk Score Data and Methods

The Target Risk Score (TRS) represents the gene target's general relevance to Alzheimer's Disease. The TRS is the sum of the target's Genetic Risk Score and Multi-omic Risk Score. Target Risk Scores range from 0 to 5, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of disease association.

A detailed description of the data and methodology used to generate Target Risk Scores is available here; the processed gene-specific scores are available here

Genetic Risk Score Data and Methods

The Genetic Risk Score is a summary of genetic evidence supporting the target gene's association with late-onset Alzheimer's Disease from multiple genetic studies. Genetic Risk Scores range from 0 to 3, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of disease association.

The Genetics Score is based on genetic evidence retrieved from genome wide association (GWAS) , GWAS by proxy (GWAX) and quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies, and the predicted severity of variants assigned to each target. The score also incorporates phenotypic evidence supporting a given target from both human and model organism sources. 

A detailed description of the data and methodology used to generate Genetic Risk Scores is available here; the processed gene-specific scores are available here

Multi-omic Risk Score Data and Methods

The Multi-omic Risk Score is a summary of transcriptomic and proteomic evidence supporting the target gene's association with late-onset Alzheimer's Disease from multiple studies. Multi-omic Risk Scores range from 0 to 2, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of disease association.

Transcriptomic data was generated from RNA-Seq profiling, while proteomic data was generated from both label-free quantitation (LFQ) and Tandem Mass Tagging (TMT) shot-gun profiling methods. Proteomic evidence was weighted more heavily in the scoring calculation to account for the practicality of therapeutic intervention strategies at the protein level as compared to the transcript level. 

A detailed description of the data and methodology used to generate Multi-omic Risk Scores is available here; the processed gene-specific scores are available here

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