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RNA Expression Data and Methods

This page provides information about the data and methods used to generate the RNA overall and differential expression evidence in Agora.

Gene-specific RNA overall and differential expression evidence can be viewed on the Evidence/RNA tab of the gene-specific pages in Agora. You can navigate to a gene’s page using search, from the Nominated Targets list, or from the Gene Comparison Tool. You can also compare RNA differential expression evidence across multiple genes using Agora’s Gene Comparison Tool.

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Data and Methods

RNA-seq data used for these analyses was generated from over 2100 samples of post-mortem brains from over 1100 individuals. In total there are nine distinct brain regions from three human cohort studies:

Cohort Study

Brain Region(s)

The Religious Orders Study and Memory and Aging Project (ROSMAP)

Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC), Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC), Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC)

Mayo RNAseq (MAYO)

Cerebellum (CBE), Temporal Cortex (TCX)

Mount Sinai Brain Bank (MSBB)

Frontal Pole (FP), Inferior Frontal Gyrus (IFG), Parahippocampal Gyrus (PHG), Superior Temporal Gyrus (STG)

RNA-seq data from these studies was processed through a harmonized computational pipeline to reveal overall expression levels and to measure differential expression between AD cases and controls. The gene coexpression network is based on the original harmonized computational pipeline.

The data and methodology is publicly available through these links:

Statistical Models

Differential RNA expression data can be viewed for each of the following models:



AD Diagnosis (males and females)

Shows relative changes in gene expression between AD patients and controls.

AD Diagnosis x AOD (males and females)

Shows relative changes in gene expression between AD patients and controls, and whether Age of Death (AOD) has an impact.

AD Diagnosis x Sex (females only)

Shows relative changes in gene expression between female AD patients and female controls.

AD Diagnosis x Sex (males only)

Shows relative changes in gene expression between male AD patients and male controls.

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