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Druggability Data and Methods

This page provides information about the data and methods used to generate the Druggability Scores presented in Agora.

The Druggability Scores for a specific gene can be viewed on the Resources tab of that gene’s page in Agora. You can navigate to a gene’s page using search, from the Nominated Targets list, or from the Gene Comparison Tool. You can also view Druggability Scores directly in the Nominated Targets list in the Small Molecule Druggability, Safety Rating, and Antibody Modality columns. These columns are not visible by default; you can use the column control in the upper right corner of the table to control which columns are displayed.

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Data and Methods

AMP-AD pharma partners have performed a druggability/ligandability analysis for nominated targets. Targets have been scored for likely suitability for drug development in a multi-step process.

In brief, targets are placed into buckets that are ordered according to preference for small-molecule (SM) drug development, therapeutic antibody feasibility, and safety with smaller bucket numbers being generally accepted as easier or more likely to result in successful drug development than larger numbered buckets.

These buckets are not intended as fixed criteria as new information can emerge from screening or structural biology, or technological developments which facilitate the identification of ligands such as biophysical methods.

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